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مجله یا کنفرانس :      طبقه مقاله:         تاریخ انتشار (شمسی) : الی :

اثر یک دوره برنامه تمرین هوازی منتخب بر تغییرات ترکیب بدن، پروفایل لیپیدی و شاخص توان کاری کارکنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق
The Effect of a Selected Aerobic Exercise Program on Body Composition, Lipid Profile and Work Ability Index of Overweight and Obese Employees
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 116465    1400/04/09   2021/06/30    
تاریخ گذاری سوره لیل
Dating the Surah Al-Layl
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 106403    1397/12/09   2019/02/28    
تربیت اخلاقی جوان از دیدگاه شهید مطهری
The Moral Education of Youth from the Perspective of Shahid Motahhari
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159446    1400/12/14   2022/03/05    
The Impact of Economy on Social Health in Ayatollah Makarm Shirazi’s Tafsir Nemooneh
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159499    1401/02/12   2022/05/02    
Strategies to Support Groups at Risk of Victimization
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159492    1401/02/15   2022/05/05    
Messianism in the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159131    1399/09/08   2020/11/28    
M?z?n Al-?ikmah a Measure of Faith Life Presenting a Pattern based on the Grounded Theory Method (G.T.M)
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159161    1400/06/31   2021/09/22    
تحلیل انتقادی نظریه عزیزه هبری در مورد نظام حقوقی زن در قران با توجه به مبانی فقه شیعی
A Critical Analysis of Aziza Hibris Theory on Womens Legal System in the Quran According to the Principles of Shia Jurisprudence
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  Paper ID : 159166    1400/10/16   2022/01/06    
A Comparative Study on the Theory of Form and Matter and Its Role in Aristotle and Avicennas Cosmology
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159331    1397/11/30   2019/02/19    
Mulla Sadra’s Four Journeys as the Four Levels of Self-Consciousness
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 159240    1400/11/16   2022/02/05    
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