Shahed University

Secrecy Sum-Rate Enhancement in the Interference Channel via Price-Based Power Splitting

Atena Ebrahimkhani | Bahareh Akhbari | Babak Seyfe

Date :  2018/12/01
Publish in :    IEEE Communications Letters
Link :
Keywords :Enhancement, Channel, Power

Abstract :
Abstract—This letter proposes a game-theoretic model to jointly optimize artificial noise and information signals in a twouser weak Gaussian interference channel. In this channel each receiver not only is interested in its related transmitter’s message, but also it is an eavesdropper for the other link. Transmitters may broadcast noise in addition to data in order to confuse eavesdroppers. In this context the secrecy rate is referred to as the utility, and the Nash equilibrium outcome in the related noncooperative power splitting game is inefficient. By introducing a novel price-based potential game, we obtain Pareto improvement in the secrecy