Shahed University

Ecotoxicology: Familiarity with Foreign Languages & Internet Application in Handling Toxic Cadmium Batteries and their Impact on Ecosystems

Mohsen Karimian Azimi

Date :  2016/09/28
Publish in :    همايش ملي ابزي پروري و اکوسيستم ابي پايدار

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Keywords :Foreign, Internet

Abstract :
Ecotoxicology: Familiarity with Foreign Languages & Internet Application in Handling Toxic Cadmium Batteries and their Impact on Ecosystems Mohsen Karimian Azimi Assistant Professor of Shahed University in Tehran (corresponding author: Abstract It appears to be the case that despite the increasing scientific-technological developments throughout the world and massive use of small size batteries of cadmium type, general knowledge of the masses of all walks of life is still slim and they seem to know not much about the poisonousness of such batteries and that the cadmium is easily absorbable by the human skin when one touches such a battery. Moreover, such batteries play a devastating role in polluting the biological environment, water, air, and soil, gradually resulting in a poison cycle in the ecosystems of the area. This piece of research attempted to touch on this issue through field work employing both a questionnaire and direct interview to delve into various specific social groups to see if the participants were familiar with cadmium batteries and their horrible impact on both human beings and the natural surroundings; whether they deploy protective measures to keep both the nature and themselves safe and sound, and if one’s ability in a foreign language as well as the extent of internet application had any relationship with developing an awareness or knowledge of poisonousness of cadmium batteries. The findings seem to support that the participants in general were not cognizant of poisonousness of cadmium batteries, and those few who were, said to have some good to very good command of a foreign language in a Likert Scale. The use of internet and exploiting foreign language texts also correlated significantly positively with bearing or developing such knowledge, i.e.: not touching a cadmium battery. Finally, some proposals or suggestions to politicians, environmentalists, academicians, and administrators close the discussion. The data remain to be worked on in more extensive analyses for prospective papers. Keywords: Ecotoxicology, Cadmium Batteries, Foreign Languages, Toxins Cycle, Environmental Pollution & Aquatic Creatures

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