Shahed University

The optimal meeting point based on trip plans in spatial databases

Mohammad H. Ahmadi | Vahid Haghighatdoost

Date :  2017/10/03
Publish in :    Tenth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Network
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Keywords :optimal meeting point,spatial databases,Point-of-Interest,Optimal path

Abstract :
In this paper, we introduce the Meeting Point based of Trip Plans (MPTPs) queries. Given a set of source locations for a group of friends, and a set of trip plans for each group member as a sequence of Categories-of-Interests (COIs) (e.g., restaurant), and finally a specific COI as a common destination that all group members will gather together, in MPTPs queries our goal is to find a Point-of-Interest (POI) from different COIs, such that the aggregate travel distance for the group is minimized. In this work, we considered two cases for aggregate function as Sum and Max. For solving this query we propose an efficient pruning technique for shrinking the search space. Our approach contains three steps. In the first step, it prunes the search space around the source locations. In the second step, it prunes the search space around the centroid of source locations. Finally we compute the intersection of all pruned areas as the final refined search space. We prove that the POIs beyond the refined area cannot be part of optimal answer set. The paper also covers an extensive performance study of the proposed technique.

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