Shahed University

Criticism of Qazi Abdul Jabbar Mutazilis Theory of Willingness of Deepening Religious Faith in Quranic Verses

Mahmud Saidiy | Muhammad Amin Bahtami | Ihasan Kordi Ardakani

Date :  2020/12/03
Publish in :    مجلة کلية الاسلامية الجامعة

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Keywords :Deepening Religious Faith, Weakening of Unbelief, Abdul Jabar Motazli, Man, Quran.

Abstract :
Abstract:-Judge Abdul Jabbar Hamadani believes that faith, in addition to affirmation, also includes its practical means of performing the obligatory and forbidding confidentiality and accepting religious faith on the one hand and its deepening, on the other hand, is done by independent human will. So from the point of view of this Mutazilite thinker, religious faith has deepened and man can deepen it at will. Abdul Jabar offers numerous Quranic arguments to prove his theory that It can be criticized in many ways. The common fallacy of all these arguments is the incomplete induction of Quranic verses. Because he merely argues in a series of verses that indicate that the divine will belongs to the religious faith and deepens it and he neglects numerous other verses which show that divine will belongs to human actions in the field of infidelity and faith.Keywords: Deepening Religious Faith, Weakening of Unbelief, Abdul Jabar Motazli, Man, Quran.