Shahed University

Endodontic management of taurodontism with an open apex in mandibular first molar: A case report

Reza Sayyad Soufdoost | Atefeh Gohari | Ali Ghomi Ghomi

Date :  2018/09/06
Publish in :    International Journal of Medical and Dental Case Reports
DOI :, 4 Pages

Keywords :Keywords: Endodontics, mineral trioxide aggregate, open apex, taurodontism

Abstract :
Abstract Taurodontism is an unusual developmental anomaly that most often affects the permanent molars. It is characterized by an elongated pulp chamber, bifurcation near the apex, and no constriction at the level of cementoenamel junction. Endodontic treatment of a taurodont tooth is complicated and requires special consideration because it is hard to find the orifices, preparation, and obturation of root canals. In this case report, mandibular right first molar (tooth30) of a 10-year-old boy patient was diagnosed hypertaurodont and endodontically treated with an open apex by placement of mineral trioxide aggregate as an apical plug to seal the end of distal root. Keywords: Endodontics, mineral trioxide aggregate, open apex, taurodontism