Shahed University

Endodontic Management of Trauma-induced External Root Resorption Following Orthodontic Treatment by Placement of Biodentine: A Case Report

Homeira Ansari | hosain labbaf | Ali Ghomi Ghomi | Reza Sayyad Soufdoost

Date :  2020/08/25
Publish in :    Acta Scientific Dental Sciences

Keywords :Keywords: Biodentine; External Root Resorption; Orthodontic; Trauma; Endodontic

Abstract :
Abstract Keywords: Biodentine; External Root Resorption; Orthodontic; Trauma; Endodontic Introduction External root resorption is considered as a frequent complication of orthodontic tooth movement, particularly, in a tooth with the history of trauma and resorption. Advances in dental material science not only have increased demand from the patients for saving their teeth, also have enabled clinicians to treat the complicated cases. Previously most of the teeth with severe external root resorption were scheduled to extraction due to poor prognosis of conventional endodontic treatment. This case report presents successful nonsurgical endodontic management of a trauma-induced perforating external root resorption with Biodentine which had been progressing rapidly after applying orthodontic forces. 24 months follow-up revealed arrest of root resorption, and advanced healing of the lesion

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