Shahed University

Ergonomy in clinical prstice

Kiumars Nazarimoghaddam

Date :  2018/09/04
Publish in :    هيجد همين کنگره بين الملي انجمن اندودنتيستهاي ايران

Keywords :clinical

Abstract :
Ergonomy in Clinical Practice Introduction:The various types of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) can be seen after longstanding clinical practice . Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) Include a group of conditions that can involve nerves, tendons, muscles, and supporting structures as well as intervertebral discs . Methods andMaterials: Many contributing and risk factors involves in producing MSD such as: Repetition, Force, Mechanical Stresses ,posture, vibration , cold temperature, and extrinsic stress. Moreover, susceptible individuals vulnerable to get special diseases than the other. It is essential to understand just what a risk factor is, or rather is not. A risk factor itself is not necessarily a causation factor for any particular MSD. Many times it is not simply the presence of a risk factor, but the degree to which the risk factor is expressed that may lead to MSDs. often it will be a combination of multiple risk factors, rather than any single factor, which contributes to or causes an MSD. Dentists tend to assume same static postures for the whole day during work. Fixed or constrained body positions, continual repetition of movements and forced concentrated on small parts of the body, such as the hand or wrist. The prevalence of MSD has been reported to be between 60 and 90 for dental practitioners .Symptoms of MSDs include decreased strength, pain, swelling, and inflammation. Pain is the most common symptom associated with MSDs. It may be accompanied with joint stiffness, muscle tightness, redness, and swelling of the affected area. Results and Conclusion:For improving clinical performance, diagnosing main causes is mandatory. Ergonomics is the science of work which is much broader than preventing workrelated musculoskeletal disorders. Todays, ergonomics plays an important role in preventing injury and illness .Many instruments are produced based on ergonomics. With regard to loss of efficacy over the time, life style and our view to life should be changed as well as considering practical approaches to ergonomic issues in the workplace

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