Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "The Thought of Stabilization of Authoritative State in post constitutional Revolution ", دانش سياسي , 2008/02/20, Issue:2 Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Mohsen Khalili, "بررسي تبيين هاي انقلاب اسلامي ايران", علوم اجتماعي دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي, 2009/03/31, Issue:ويژه نامه Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Farhad Ghasemi, "نگرشي بر سيستم بازدارندگي منطقه اي در روابط بين الملل مطالعه موردي ايران و آمريکا", رهيافت هاي سياسي و بين المللي, 2010/12/06, Issue: nasim baghparvar, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "روند شکل گيري و پيروزي انقلاب در اردبيل", خط اول, 2009/12/22, Volume:-, Issue:11 habil Heydar Khani, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "وضعيت اجتماعي عراق بعد از سقوط نظام بعثي", رهيافت انقلاب اسلامي, 2010/08/11, Issue:12 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Farhad Ghasemi, "پيامد هاي امنيتي مداخله گرايي آمريکا در عراق براي جمهوري اسلامي ايران و كنش هاي سياسي احتمالي ايران براي مقابلة با اين پيامدها", پژوهش سياست, 2010/08/23, Issue:87 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "An Introduction to Political culture in Iran", نقد و نظر, 1996/09/22, Volume:-, Issue:3و4 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "The Vulnerabilities of Pahlavi State", حذف شود - فصلنامه نامه پژوهش, 1999/08/23, Volume:-, Issue:12 و 13 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Islamic Revolution Ideology", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 2000/09/22, Volume:8, Issue:8 سال 2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "The Application of Barington moore Theory on the Islamic Revolution", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 2002/06/22, Volume:15-16, Issue:15 و 16 سال 4 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Theda Skocpol Theory and Islamic Revolution ", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 2003/02/20, Volume:17, Issue:17 سال 4 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Explaining Islamic Revolution from the Theda Skocpol Point of View", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 2003/06/22, Volume:19, Issue:19 سال پنجم Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "منفعت مادي مهار کننده هواي نفساني", كتاب ماه علوم اجتماعي, 2002/01/21, Volume:51, Issue:51 و 52 سال 5 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "دفاع از نوسازي، چالش با مارکسيسم ", كتاب ماه علوم اجتماعي, 2001/06/22, Volume:45, Issue:45 و 46 سال 4 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "نگاهي يک سويه به اسلام گرايان", كتاب ماه علوم اجتماعي, 2002/04/21, Volume:54, Issue:54 و 55 سال 5 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "بازسازي مفهوم فيوداليسم ايراني ", كتاب ماه علوم اجتماعي, 2002/09/23, Volume:60, Issue:60 سال 5 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "بازگشت به اسلام: از مدرنيسم به نظم اخلاقي", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 1998/12/22, Volume:1, Issue:1 سال1 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "دنياگرايي، صنعتي شدن و جمهوري اسلامي", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 2000/04/20, Volume:-, Issue:2 و 3 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "وفاق اجتماعي،فرهنگ سياسي و مشروعيت سياسي", مطالعات ملي, 2000/02/20, Volume:-, Issue:2 و3 nasim baghparvar, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "شبکه هاي موثر در چگونگي شکل گيري و پيروزي انقلاب اسلامي در اردبيل با تاکيد بر نقش روحانيون", رهيافت انقلاب اسلامي, 2009/12/30, Issue:11 Mousa Afzaliyan Salam, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "مولفه هاي اساسي گفتمان ايثار و شهادت در انقلاب اسلامي", مطالعات انقلاب اسلامي, 2011/01/05, Issue:22 Abbas Naeem Jourshari, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "بازشناسي سه جريان سياسي جنبش جنگل و موضع ها و ديدگاه هاي آنها", جستارهاي تاريخي- فرهنگ ويژه تاريخ سابق, 2011/02/20, Issue:2 جديد Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "بسيج و اقدام سياسي در نهضت تنباکو", دانش سياسي , 2011/01/21, Issue:12 Ehsan Farhadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "فرايند بسيج در انقلاب مشروطه ايران", علوم اجتماعي دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي, 2011/08/23, Issue: Fariba Sedighe, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "عدالت اجتماعي در دوره دفاع مقدس: تحليل محتواي خطبه هاي نماز جمعه تهران", رهيافت انقلاب اسلامي, 2011/10/23, Volume:, Issue: keramat Ismaili, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "ابعاد جنگ نرم در روابط ايران و آمريکا", رهيافت انقلاب اسلامي, 2011/07/23, Issue:15 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Farhad Ghasemi, "پيامدهاي امنيتي مداخله گرايي آمريکا در عراق براي ايران با تاکيد بر کاربست روش دلفي", پژوهش سياست, 2010/07/23, Issue:28 Hamid Akar, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "چرايي فرقه بودن بهائيت", معرفت اديان, 2012/06/19, Volume:2, Issue:2 Mehdi Jamshidi, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "ماهيت رهبري امام خميني در نظريه علامه مطهري", مطالعات انقلاب اسلامي, 2012/06/21, Volume:9, Issue:29 Mohammad Rahmati, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "modes of recruitmentes of united deligations in islamic revolution", علوم اجتماعي دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي, 2012/06/21, Volume:, Issue:57 Ehsan Farhadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "بسيج منابع در انقلاب اسلامي ايران", زيست شناسي ايران, 2012/01/21, Volume:1, Issue:1 Leila Farmer, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "بازنمايي جريان مذهبي در ادبيات داستاني کودکان دهه هاي چهل و پنجاه", رهيافت انقلاب اسلامي, 2012/06/21, Volume:, Issue: Saleh Zamani, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "Representation of Religious Identity in Iranian Post Revolutionary Cinema", مطالعات فرهنگ ارتباطات - نامه پژوهش فرهنگي سابق, 2012/09/01, Volume:13, Issue:18 narges amr varamini, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Mohammadhassan Mirzamohammadi, "مولفه هاي اخلاق علمي و شاگرد پروري امام خميني (ره)", تربيت اسلامي, 2012/09/22, Volume:7, Issue:15 Ehsan Farhadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "تحليل جامعه شناختي منافع گروه هاي انقلابي در انقلاب مشروطه", جستارهاي سياسي معاصر, 2013/05/22, Volume:سال چهارم, Issue:اول Mohammad Rahmati, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "شيوه هاي عضو گيري نهضت آزادي 57- 1342 شمسي", پژوهشنامه علوم سياسي, 2013/07/27, Volume:8, Issue:3 Somayeh Ahmadvand, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "عملکرد حزب اسلام گراي عدالت و توسعه ترکيه در عرصه سياست هاي داخلي و خارجي", پژوهش هاي راهبردي سياست, 2013/05/22, Volume:13, Issue:31 Haajar Sadeghian, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "سياست خارجي و مواضع دولت ايران و دولت هاي عربي در قبال جنگ سي و سه روزه لبنان", جامعه شناسي سياسي جهان اسلام , 2013/10/23, Volume:1, Issue:2 Mehdi Jamshidi, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "هستي شناسي اجتماعي در تفکر علامه شهيد مطهري ", حکمت اسرا - اسرا سابق, 2012/09/20, Volume:, Issue:چهار Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Mohsen Bayat, Gracious memory, "iranian cultural diplomacy in the middle east", مطالعات فرهنگ ارتباطات - نامه پژوهش فرهنگي سابق, 2013/10/23, Volume:14, Issue:23 Masoumeh Sheikhi, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "مدل انقلاب اسلامي در انديشه امام خميني (ره)", زيست شناسي ايران, 2014/05/31, Volume:, Issue:10 Mehdi Jamshidi, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Social Epistemology in Allameh Motaharis Thought", ذهن, 2012/09/05, Volume:, Issue:50 Haajar Sadeghian, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "کالبد شکافي سياست خارجي و مواضع بازيگران غربي در جنگ 33 روزه لبنان", پژوهش هاي سياسي جهان اسلام, 2013/05/22, Volume:3, Issue:1 Ehsan Farhadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "تحليل مقايسه اي بسيج منابع در انقلاب مشروطه و انقلاب اسلامي ايران", تحقيقات تاريخ اجتماعي, 2014/05/22, Volume:4, Issue:1 Maryam Nikozadeh Shahraki, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "شکل گيري و پيروزي انقلاب اسلامي در استان چهار محال و بختياري به مرکزيت شهر کرد", پژوهشنامه تاريخ هاي محلي ايران, 2013/10/23, Volume:1, Issue:3 Zahra Fahimi, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "The reasons for diffusion of shiite-phobia and the methods for confrontind it", شيعه شناسي, 2013/12/22, Volume:11, Issue:44 elahe abedini najafabadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "characteristics of the second pahlavi stste and its vulnerabilities against revolutionary mobilization ", جامعه شناسي تاريخي, 2014/10/23, Volume:6, Issue:2 Haajar Sadeghian, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "foreign policy and stands of Iranian and Turkey states about Suria crisis", پژوهش هاي سياسي جهان اسلام, 2013/12/22, Volume:3, Issue:4 elahe abedini najafabadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Vulnerabilities of the Hosni Mobarak state and revolutionary mobilization in Ejept", جامعه شناسي سياسي جهان اسلام , 2015/03/21, Volume:2, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Crises of capitalist welfare state", دولت پژوهي, 2015/06/16, Volume:1, Issue:1 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Fariba Sedighe, "Social justice in sacred defense and construction ear", پژوهشنامه انقلاب اسلامي, 2015/06/22, Volume:4, Issue:15 Ali Morshedizad, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Mahdiyeh Rahname, "Comparative study of instrumens and methods of mobilization and objection in Iranian Islamic revolution and Russian revolution", پژوهشنامه انقلاب اسلامي, 2015/12/31, Volume:4, Issue:17 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Hassan Naser khaki, "Discourse analysis: a metod for analysing revolutions", رهيافت انقلاب اسلامي, 2015/12/31, Volume:9, Issue:33 Abbas Keshavarz Shokri, Mohammad Rahimian, Mahdiyeh Rahnama, "A model to explain the backgrounds of joining the imperial Army to Iran’s Islamic Revolution", International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2016/08/31, Volume:3, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Amin Khodabakhshi, "Waiting human from the Hojatiyeh Association and Imam Khomeini point of view", انديشه سياسي در اسلام , 2015/07/01, Volume:1, Issue:4 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Shahla Khalilollahi, Marzieh Bakhtiari, "reflection of religious identity on post revolutionary novels: a case study of Ahmad Mahmoods novel titled a story of a city", انديشه سياسي در اسلام , 2015/03/30, Volume:1, Issue:2و3 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Shahla Khalilollahi, Marzieh Bakhtiari, "Representation of religious identity in Zerro Degree Orbit Novel", انديشه سياسي در اسلام , 2016/08/09, Volume:-, Issue:8 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Mohamad Rahimian, Mahdiyeh Rahname, "A model to explain the backgrounds of joining the imperial Army to Iran’s Islamic Revolution", International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2016/09/01, Volume:3, Issue:2 Mohammad Rahimian, Abbas Keshavarz Shokri, "Role of Social Groups and Classes in the Islamic Revolution of Iran", Review of European Studies, 2017/09/01, Volume:9, Issue:3 Mohamad Rahimian, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Zahed Hashjin, "A study of thr role of social classes and groups and their coalition in the iranian constitutional revolution", Survey of Malaysian law, 2017/04/04, Volume:14, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Shahla Khalilollahi, Marzieh Bakhtiari, "Representation of religious identity in zero degree orbit novel", انديشه سياسي در اسلام , 2016/08/22, Volume:2, Issue:8 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, atefeh azarkashb, "نقادي و بازسازي نظريه سارا لانگه در باره شاخص هاي توانمند سازي زنان سرپرست خانوار", اسلام و علوم اجتماعي, 2016/12/21, Volume:8, Issue:16 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, jabbar shojaee, "good governing in Imam Khomeinis thought and sireh", مطالعات انقلاب اسلامي و دفاع مقدس, 2016/12/21, Volume:2, Issue:2 afsaneh Kazemi, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "بررسي مولفه هاي جمعي فرهنگ ايثار و شهادت در خاطرات ازادگان دفاع مقدس به مثابه سرمايه اجتماعي", پاسداري فرهنگي انقلاب اسلامي, 2016/12/21, Volume:6, Issue:14 Ramazan Ghasempour, Zahed Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "مولفه هاي رفتار سياسي امام خميني (ره) در جذب افراد بر اساس نظر الفرد ادلر", پژوهشنامه انقلاب اسلامي, 2018/01/02, Volume:7, Issue:25 elahe abedini najafabadi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ali Morshedizad, "Comparison ff the Iranian revolution and Egyptian revolution based on John Foran Theory", جامعه شناسي تاريخي, 2017/04/04, Volume:9, Issue:1 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Zahra Fahimi, "Evolution in geopolitic of Shia, the west threats and solutions for that ", پژوهش هاي سياسي جهان اسلام, 2018/02/07, Volume:7, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Malihe Salem, "stuctural and agency backgrounds of oil nationalization movement and islamic revolution of iran", دانش سياسي , 2018/06/22, Volume:14, Issue:27 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Ziba Abedi, "Intellectual, structural and agency’s contexts of creation of Committee of the Islamic Revolution", جامعه شناسي سياسي جهان اسلام , 2017/12/22, Volume:5, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Hassan Naser khaki, "Similarities and Diffrences in Relation Between Islamic Revolution and Ekhvan Al Moslemin MovementSSF", رهيافت هاي سياسي و بين المللي, 2016/12/21, Volume:8, Issue:2 Esmaeil Arefi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "مطالعه ابعاد شخصيتي و فعاليت هاي شهيد حسن باقري در انقلاب اسلامي و دفاع مقدس", مطالعات انقلاب اسلامي, 2017/05/10, Volume:15, Issue:52 Zahra Heidari, Abbas Keshavarz Shokri, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Ali Morshedizad, "Parameters AFFECTING PRESENCE OF WOMEN POLITICAL ELITES IN IRANIAN PARLIAMENT", Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 2019/09/01, Volume:4, Issue:2 Zahra Fahimi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Western Zionist Current Versus Shiite Culture ", پژوهش هاي سياسي جهان اسلام, 2018/12/22, Volume:8, Issue:4 Zahra Heidari, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Ali Morshedizad, "Obstacles of participations of the women political elite in Political and Management Decisions", پژوهشنامه علوم سياسي, 2018/12/22, Volume:14, Issue:1 Abbas Keshavarz shokri, Malihe salem, "Models of Analysis of the Revolutionary Mobilization", جامعه شناسي سياسي جهان اسلام , 2019/12/22, Volume:7, Issue:15 Hasan Naserkhaki, Ali Morshedizad, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Analysis of the Global Environmental Movement to Influence Iran on Global Governance", سياست جهاني, 2019/09/23, Volume:8, Issue:3 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Mehdi Abdollahi Ziaoddini, Ali Morshedizad, "Pattern and Process of the Ethno Political Actions in Iran", مطالعات راهبردي, 2019/12/22, Volume:22, Issue:86 پياپي Jabbar Shojaei, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Structural Backgrounds and Effective Factors Influencing the Formation of the Mobilization Institution", پژوهش هاي سياسي جهان اسلام, 2020/02/04, Volume:9, Issue:4 Ali Morshedizad, Hasan Naserkhaki, Abbas Keshavarz shokri, "Analysis of Identity Backgrounds of the Feminist Movement with the Islamic Republic of Iran", جامعه شناسي سياسي ايران, 2020/03/18, Volume:2, Issue:4 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Malihe salem, "analysis of the positions and the process of mobilizing the resources of the Constitutional Party of Iran and the Fadaiyan Khalq Majority- Branch Organization", پژوهشنامه علوم سياسي, 2021/04/21, Volume:16, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Malihe salem, "Analysis the positions and process of resource mobilization of the left and monarchist opposition", جستارهاي سياسي معاصر, 2021/06/23, Volume:12, Issue:3 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, zahra heydari, "The Decision-Making Frameworks Female Political Elites Must Abide by in Order to Become a Minster in Parliament", مجلس و راهبرد, 2021/06/22, Volume:28, Issue:106 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, mohammad ali nazari, yahya fozi, zahra sadat masjedi, seyed sadroddin moosavi, "A Study of the Spread of Imam Khomeinis Thought in Strengthening Moderate Islam in ABI and IJABI Shiite Organizations in Indonesia", پژوهشنامه انقلاب اسلامي, 2020/09/22, Volume:10, Issue:36 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, mohammad ali nazari, seyed sadroddin moosavi, yahya fozi, "Studying the Ways of Diffusion of Imam Khomeini’s Thoughts in Indonesia and Its Consequences", متين - امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي سابق, 2020/09/22, Volume:22, Issue:88 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, seyede azimeh hashemi shekh shabani, "Investigating the Command Strategies of Martyr Amir General Ali Sayad Shirazi during the Holy Defense", مطالعات دفاع مقدس, 2020/06/21, Volume:6, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, malihe haji hasan, "Reviewing and Studying the Causes of the Islamic Revolution in Iran (From 1976 to 1979)", مطالعات انقلاب اسلامي و دفاع مقدس, 2017/09/23, Volume:3, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Mohammadrahim Eivazi, fereshte mirhoseini, " A Process Survey of the Geopolitical Challenges in front of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Middle East in 1404 ", مطالعات انقلاب اسلامي, 2020/12/21, Volume:17, Issue:63 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Jabbar Shojaei, "A Study of Political Discourses in Egypt Post-Mubarak Era", Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2021/10/05, Volume:56, Issue:8 Mohammad owliaei, Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "Consequences of Saudi Arabias soft power for the Islamic Republic of Iran", پژوهش هاي سياسي جهان اسلام, 2021/09/02, Volume:11, Issue:2 Abbas Keshavarzshokri, Amir Reza Jafari Harandi, Shohreh Pirani, "The Structure Building of the United States in Iraq and Its Role in the National Security of Iraq", افاق و امنيت - افاق امنيت سابق, 2021/10/10, Volume:14, Issue:52 Nafiseh Akhavan Nilchi, Abbas Keshavarzshokri, "The model of measuring and evaluating the efficiency of the Islamic revolution", پژوهش هاي انقلاب اسلامي, 2022/01/22, Volume:10, Issue:4