Hesameddin Sharifi, "Classifying a rational group", چهلمين کنفرانس رياضي کشور, 2009/08/17, Issue: Hesameddin Sharifi, ali moghani, Babak Sarvhesh, "The integer-valued characters of some Mathieu groups", Second Conference on Group Theory, 2010/03/12, Issue: Hesameddin Sharifi, "Artin exponent of some rational groups", چهل و يکمين کنفرانس رياضي ايران, 2010/09/12, Issue: Hesameddin Sharifi, کبري علي, "On Solvable Circulant Graph", Third Conference and Workshop on Group Theory, 2011/03/09, Issue: Hesameddin Sharifi, "On Rational Valued Character of Finite Groups", Third Conference and Workshop on Group Theory, 2011/03/09, Issue: Hesameddin Sharifi, "Some problems in character theory : Rationality of finite groups", The Fourth International Group Theory Conference of Iran, 2012/03/09 Reza Abdolmaleki, Hesameddin Sharifi, "Novikov structures on Lie algebras", 2nd Seminar on Algebra and its Applications, 2012/09/01 Reza Abdolmaleki, Hesameddin Sharifi, "Novikov products of derivations", 2nd Seminar on Algebra and its Applications, 2012/09/01 Hesameddin Sharifi, "Solution of Yang-Baxter eqution and construction of Novikov Lie algebras ", 2nd biennnial international group theory conference, 2013/02/04 Hesameddin Sharifi, "سرشتهاي غير خطي گوياي گروههاي متناهي", The International Conference on Group Theory,Novosibirsk Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013/07/17 Hesameddin Sharifi, M. Norooz-Abadian, "ON RATIONAL NONLINEAR CHARACTERS OF FROBENIUS GROUPS", Bicocca Ph.D. School and Workshop on Representation Theory 2014, 2014/06/19 Hesameddin Sharifi, Saeid Jafari, "On rational groups whose irreducible characters vanish only p-elements ", بيست و چهارمين سمينار جبر ايران, 2014/11/14 Hesameddin Sharifi, "On rational 2-groups and their nilpotency classes", بيست و پنجمين کنفرانس جبر ايران, 2016/07/20 Saeid Jafari, Hesameddin Sharifi, "some problems concerning finite groups with rational-valued irreducible characters", Finite Groups and Their Automorphisms 2017, 2017/05/04 Hesameddin Sharifi, Mozhgan Rezakhanlou, "Towards classifying finite groups whose non-linear irreducible characters are rational valued", 12th Iranian Group Theory Conference, 2020/02/19