Hosein Zamaniha, "an analisis of the capabilities and inadequacies of Mulla sadra s philosophy in explication of the vertical and horizontal sheres of human life ", هفدهمين همايش ملي ملاصدرا , 2013/05/22 Hosein Zamaniha, "A survey of the aspects and levels of self-consciousness and its effect on the establishment of universal peace concerning the Mulla Sadra and Hegels viewpoint.", فلسفه و صلح جهاني , 2014/05/22 Hosein Zamaniha, "studying and analysis of the thinking methods from Vicos viewpoint and its implication in the teaching of philosophy", فلسفه تعليم و تربيت در عمل , 2014/10/08 Hosein Zamaniha, "Studying the role of speculative philosophy of history in the realization of new islamic civilization", همايش تمدن نوين اسلامي , 2015/10/08 Seyed Reza Seyed, Ahmad Lavasani, Hosein Zamaniha, "Identification and Analysis of the Dimensions and Levels of Self-Awareness from Mulla Sadra and Suhrwardis Viewpoint", دومين کنگره بين المللي فرهنگ و انديشه ديني, 2015/11/11