Faezeh Ghanati, Masoumeh Safari, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Partial clarification of signaling pathway of taxanes increase biosynthesis by low intensity ultrasound treatment in hazel (Corylus avellana) cells", South African Journal of Botany, 2015/01/10, Volume:, Issue:96 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Somayeh Mohammad Alikhani, Faeze Ghanati, Maryam Soleimani, Hassan Zare Maywan, "Magnetically treated water Application for Improving Maize (Zea mays L.) Growth", مهندسي پزشکي زيستي=Iranian Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2014/09/22, Volume:2, Issue:8 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Reza Afzalzadeh, Faeze Ghanati, "Investigation on the Effects of Power amount and Pulse Time of Ultrasound on the Energy Gap of the synthesized ZnO Colloid", علوم دانشگاه خوارزمي, 2015/04/28, Volume:, Issue: F. Ghanati, S. Mohamadalikhani, M. Soleimani, R. Afzalzadeh, A. Hajnorouzi, "Change of growth pattern, metabolism, and quality and quantity of maize plants after irrigation with magnetically treated water", Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2015/10/17, Volume:34, Issue:3 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Reza Afzalzadeh, Faezeh Ghanati, "Ultrasonic irradiation effects on electrochemical synthesis of ZnO nanostructures", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2014/01/31, Volume:, Issue: Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Studies on the regularity of wave intensity in ultrasonic bath and spherical reactor", مجله انجمن مهندسي صوتيات ايران, 2014/07/27, Volume:, Issue: teravat farhangi, Faeze Ghanati, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "The effects of infrasound on growth of the cell cultures in Nicotianatabacum", زيست شناسي تکويني, 2015/10/23, Volume:7, Issue:4 Aliakbar Seyfi, Reza Afzalzadeh, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Increase in water evaporation rate with increase in static magnetic field perpendicular to water-air interface", Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2017/10/21, Volume:120, Issue:120 Peyman Fatahi, Abazar Hajnorouzi, Reza Afzalzadeh, "Improvement in photocatalytic properties of synthesized nano-structured ZnO in magnetic water and in presence of static magnetic field", Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2018/11/21, Volume:1, Issue:1 Manizheh Karami, Elham Salami, Ameneh Jafaryan Dehkordi, Mohammadreza Jalali Nadoushan, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Protective effect of silver nano particles against ovarian polycystic induced by morphine in rat", Nanomedicine Research Journal , 2018/12/15, Volume:3, Issue:4 Maryam Soleimani, Faezeh Ghanati, Zahra Hajebrahimi, Abazar Hajnorouzi, Parviz Abdolmaleki, Fatemeh Zarinkamar, "Energy saving and improvement of metabolism of cultured tobacco cells upon exposure to 2-D clinorotation", Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019/01/03, Volume:S0176-1617(18)30709-0, Issue:S0176-1617(18)30709-0 Parvin Yaghoubi, Abazar Hajnorouzi, Mohammad Safi Rahmanifar, Amir Hossein Foruzan, "Synthesis of MnO2 Nanoparticles in the Presence and Absence of Ultrasonic Irradiation", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2019/04/08, Volume:21, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Reza Afzalzadeh, " A simple and novel method for acoustic streaming power measurement of ultrasonic horn", مجله انجمن مهندسي صوتيات ايران, 2018/08/23, Volume:6, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Reza Afzalzadeh, "A Novel Technique to Generate Aluminum Nanoparticles Utilizing Ultrasound Ablation", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019/07/02, Volume:1, Issue:58 Mahjabin Khosravi, Manizheh Karami, Mohammadreza Jalali Nadoushan, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Myelin enhancement of Multiple sclerosis model with gold nanoparticles into the corpus callosum", Nanomedicine Journal, 2019/08/26, Volume:6, Issue:3 Fatemeh Vafadaran Tabrizi, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Zinc oxide coating by ultrasonic waves and investigation of the effect of heating on it", مجله انجمن مهندسي صوتيات ايران, 2019/09/22, Volume:7, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Amir Hossein Foruzan, "A novel method for the estimation of the acoustic bubble radius distribution", Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2020/01/25, Volume:154, Issue:154 Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Two ultrasonic applications for the synthesis of nanostructured copper oxide (II)", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2020/02/27, Volume:64, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Nahid Modaresi, "Direct sono electrochemical method for synthesizing Fe3O4 nanoparticles", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020/03/21, Volume:505, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Mohammad Safi Rahmanifar, Parvin Yaghoubi, "Effects of Increasing Acoustic Power at a Small-Diameter Ultrasonic Horn Tip on the Synthesis and Characteristics of MnO2 Nanoparticles", Journal of the Korean Physical Society , 2020/07/19, Volume:77, Issue:2 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Z. Mardani, Z. Gerami, Mohammad Safi Rahmanifar, "Effect of ultrasonic iradiation on structure and performance of electrolytic Manganese Dioxide nono particles as catalyst for Oxygen reduction reaction on Zinc-air battery", مجله انجمن مهندسي صوتيات ايران, 2021/02/20, Volume:8, Issue:2 Seyed Mojtaba Soleymani Robati, Mohsen Nosrati, Faezeh Ghanati, Abazar Hajnorouzi, Dominique Grizeau, Catherine Dupré, "Increase in lipid productivity and photosynthetic activities during distillery wastewater decolorization by Chlorella vulgaris cultures", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021/03/30, Volume:105, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Amirhossein Foroozan, "AN IMAGE PROCESSING TOOL FOR THE ANALYSIS OF ACOUSTIC BUBBLE CLOUD DYNAMICS", Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2021/10/02, Volume:28, Issue:4 Manizheh Karami, Matineh Sheikhmohammadi, Abazar Hajnorouzi, "Effectiveness of Fe2O3 nanoparticles more than magnetic field against the destructive effect of colchicine on Paramecium caudatu", Journal of Basic and Clinical Pathophysiology, 2022/06/26, Volume:10, Issue:1 Abazar Hajnorouzi, Atefeh Payez, Mohammad Pormehr, Farzaneh Mohammadi, Faezeh Ghanati, Mohsen Sharifi, "Metabolic changes in tobacco cells after exposure to static magnetic field is mediated by hydrogen peroxide", Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2021/10/29, Volume:12, Issue:1