Mohammad Eshaghi, Seyed Mohammadreza Emam, Mostafa Masoudian, "The Authority of the Islamic Ruler in Converting the Penalty of Rajm (Stoning) with Regard to the Guardian Council’s Decisions", دانش حقوق عمومي, 2016/02/20, Volume:4, Issue:12 salman mortazavi, Mostafa Masoudian, "Provision of profits without a reparation in the partnership contract", پژوهش هاي فقهي , 2019/12/22, Volume:15, Issue:4 Mostafa Masoudian, Danail Mabhout, "Investigating the theory of Governmental Determining of Diya guilds With a view to Article 549 of the Islamic Penal Code", پژوهش حقوق کيفري- پژوهش حقوق سابق, 2020/07/22, Volume:9, Issue:31 Mostafa Masoudian, "The Jurisprudential-Legal Analysis of indicators of Judicial Justice in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran", دانش حقوق عمومي, 2019/10/23, Volume:8, Issue:25 mohsen rafat, mostafa masoudian, "Ethics of Ethical Leadership of Imam Ali (AS) in War in the Light of Nahj al-Balaghas Teachings", پژوهش نامه علوي, 2019/09/22, Volume:10, Issue:19 Mostafa Masoudian, Hosain Pourmahyabadi, "The Impact of Marginalization on Children’s Delinquency (Field Study: Children in the Correction and Rehabilitation Center of Kerman Province of Iran)", International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020/05/04, Volume:7, Issue:4 Mostafa Masoudian, "The Jurisprudential-Legal Analysis of The Guardian Councils Approaches about the payment of medical expenses Surplus to Blood-Money", دانش حقوق عمومي, 2020/06/20, Volume:9, Issue:27 Mortaza Khamseh, Mostafa Masoudian, Hamid Feli, "The Desirable mechanism for religious review of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolutions enactments by the Jurisconsults of the Guardian Council ", دانش حقوق عمومي, 2021/02/18, Volume:9, Issue:30 Mostafa Masoudian, Ahmad Taghizadeh, "", انديشه‌هاي حقوق عمومي, 2020/12/20, Volume:2, Issue:18 Mostafa Masoudian, Hosian Poormahyabadi, "THE EFFECT OF PIVOTAL EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT ON CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS ", International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2022/02/01, Volume:9, Issue:2