Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Marjan Heshmati, "تأثير مرگ سلولي بر تمايزجنسي سيستم عصبي", سومين کنگره خانواده و سلامت جنسي, 2007/11/22, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Marjan Heshmati, " نقش متقابل هورمون ها و کروموزوم هاي جنسي در تمايز جنسي مغز", سومين کنگره خانواده و سلامت جنسي, 2007/11/22, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Marjan Heshmati, " تأثير دي مورفيسم جنسي مغز بر شيوع اختلالات جنسي", سومين کنگره خانواده و سلامت جنسي, 2007/11/22, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Marjan Heshmati, " درمان ضايعه نخاعي با استفاده از پيوند سلولي", اولين همايش ارتقائ سلامت ايثارگران , 2008/01/02, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Roozbehi A, Faghihi A, Bahadori Mh, Shariati T, "Can poled polyvinelidene fluoride be a good substitution for nerve graft?", 5th Asian- Pacific international congress of anatomists, 2008/05/15, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Roozbehi A, Faghihi A, Bahadori Mh, Shariati T, "Spinal motor neuron labeling following sciatic nerve repair in adult rat", 5th Asian- Pacific international congress of anatomists, 2008/05/15, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Roozbehi A, Faghihi A, Bahadori Mh, Shariati T, "Immunohistochemical study of spinal motor neurons following sciatic nerve repair in adult rat", 5th Asian- Pacific international congress of anatomists, 2008/05/15, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Pirhajati, Tiriahi, Movaheddin, "A study of allodynia after graft of bone marrow stromal cells in the spinal cord contusion of rat", 5th Asian- Pacific international congress of anatomists, 2008/05/15, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Gholamreza Kaka, Taghi Toreihi, "بررسي تأثير پيوند اتولوگ داخل نخاعي سلول هاي استرومايي مغز استخوان به نخاع ضايعه ديده به روش Contusion در موش صحرايي آزمايشگاهي", نهمين کنگره سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران, 2010/05/25, Issue: Marjan Heshmati, Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Hesam Amini, " زخم بستر در بيماران ضايعه نخاعي", اولين همايش سراسري ارتقاء سلامت ايثارگران, 2008/01/02 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Tiriaihi T, Rezazade M, " Axotomy-induced degeneration in adult spinal motoneurons and their synapses", 4th Asian- Pacific international congress of anatomists, 2006/09/07, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Taghi Toreihi, Mojtaba Rezazadeh, " ", دومين كنگره ضايعات نخاعي ايران, 2003/02/25, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Taghi Toreihi, Mojtaba Rezazadeh, " بررسي نقش Bax در دژنراسيون ناشي از آكسوتومي در نورون هاي حركتي نخاعي بالغ ", دومين كنگره ضايعات نخاعي ايران, 2008/02/26, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, " تكوين نخاع در دوران جنيني", نخستين كنگره ضايعات نخاعي ايران, 2002/01/28, Issue: Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " Production of GABAergic neurons differentiated from BMSCs-derived neurosphere cells", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/07 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Hojjat Allah Abbaszadeh, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " Expression of glial markers in bone maroow-derived oligodendrocyte-like cells induced by thyroid hormone", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/07 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Hojjat Allah Abbaszadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " Expression of PDGF-? in mature oligodendrocytes induced by triiodothironine from BMSCs", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/07 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Alireza Abdanipour, Taki Tiraihi, " Transdifferentiation of the adipose tissue-derived stem cells into neuron-like cells expressing neurotrophins by selegiline", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/07 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " Evaluation of NT3 gene expression in bone marrow stroma stem cell", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/07 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " A new multistep induction protocol for the transdifferentiation of BMSCs into GABAergic neurons", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/08 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Kaka Gr, Tiraihi T, Taheri T, " Co-transplantation of induced oligodendrocytes and bone marrow stromal cells improved locomotive deficit in rat contusion model of spinal cord injury", Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2012/11/08 Marjan Heshmati, Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, " The effect of deprenyl on expression of Trk-C receptor in new born rats after sciatic nerve axotomy", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Marjan Heshmati, Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, " The effect of aquae extract of Aloe-vera on expression BcL2 after spinal cord compression in adult rats", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Marjan Heshmati, Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, " The study of neuroprotective effect of Aloe vera in spinal cord injury", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 The parable of Parvizi, Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, " The neuroprotective effect of nepeta menthoides on spinal cord", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " The importance of GABAergic neurons in the spinal cord injury, in vitro generation of GABAergic neuron like cells", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " Production of GABAergic neurons differentiated from BMSCs-derived-neurosphere cells", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, " Immunocytochemical expression of neuroepithelial, neural, and GABAergic-like neuron markers in transdifferentiated BMSCs using appropriate inducers in vitro", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, " Evaluation of NT3 gene expression in bone marrow stromal cell, the feasibility of its use in the injured spinal cord", 4th national congress on spinal cord injuries, 2013/02/14 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Darabi Sh, Tiraihi T, Sadeghizadeh M, Taheri T, Kazemi H, "Efficient generation of GABAergic cells from adult neural stem cells derived from bone marrow stromal cells: Application in spinal cord injury ", يازدهمين کنگره سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران, 2014/02/20 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Shahram Darabi, Taki Tiraihi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Taher Taheri, Hadi Kazemi, "Transfection of BMSCs with pSecTag2/HygroB/NT3 vector; the feasibility of its used in the injured spinal cord", يازدهمين کنگره سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران, 2014/02/20 Alireza Azizzadeh Delshad, Marzieh Darwish, Taghi Toreihi, Alireza Mesbah, Taher Taheri, "بررسي عملکرد سلول هاي شبه عصبي حرکتي مشتق از بافت چربي موش صحرايي با استفاده از تحريک سلول در محيط کشت با استفاده از تکنيک Voltage-sensitive dyes (RH795)", يازدهمين کنگره سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران, 2014/02/21 Kaka G, Tiraihi T, Delshad A, "Improvement of the spinal contusion model by co-transplanting bone marrow stromal cells and induction into oligodendrocytes-like cells.", the first national congress of trauma, 2015/02/01