Shahed University

Identification and validation of indicators of quality evaluation of specialized Indexes in the fields of basic sciences, engineering, agriculture, humanities, medical sciences and art

Noroozi Chakoli         Abdolreza | Rahjoo         Ameneh

Date :  2014/10/07
Publish in :    پژوهشنامه پردازش و مديريت اطلاعات - علوم و فناوري اطلاعات سابق=Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management

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Keywords :Identification, validation, fields, humanities, medical

Abstract :
Abstract Abstract: This study aims to identify the evaluation indicators of specialty indexes quality in six subject areas of technical and engineering, agricultural sciences, humanities, basic sciences, medicine and art. For identifying the indicators was studied comprehensive library research on the most of print and electronic texts in the indexes Subject List, and identified. These indicators were divided to the two parts of indicators related to evaluation of print specialty indexes quality and indicators related to evaluation of electronic specialty indexes quality. At last were 46 indicators for evaluating the quality of print specialty indexes and 91 indicators for evaluation of quality electronic specialty indexes that some of these indicators were common in both of the Indexes form (print and electronic). Then dimensions and features that each of these indicators included during the evaluation of the indexes were identified by of study texts and take comments of experts. After The identification of this dimension, all of the indicators classified in separate classes. Thus, the total 46 evaluation indicators of print specialty indexes quality classified in 7 groups and total 91 evaluation indicators of electronic specialty indexes quality classified in 8 groups. Questionnaires were created by the indicators identified and for prioritizing criteria based on its important given some of people in each subject areas. The results of this survey were presented by the tables and graphs. Review the results points that there is not significant difference between amount of credit that has been give by the subject professionals of six subject areas of technical and engineering, agricultural sciences, humanities, basic sciences, medicine and art on evaluation indicators of print and electronic specialty indexes quality. Iranian Research Institute for Science and TechnologyISSN 2251-8223eISSN 2251-8231 Indexed in SCOPUS, ISC & LISA Vol.29 No.4 pp: 1037-1068 Summer 2014 Also, among the subject professionals of six subject areas of technical and engineering, agricultural sciences, humanities, basic sciences, medicine and art there is significant difference related to amount of importance of evaluation indicators of print and electronic specialty indexes quality. Keywords: Special Indexes; Evaluation; Validation; Indicator

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