Shahed University

Designing fuzzy type II PID controller for synchronous generator excitation

Ahmad Kheirandish Gharehbagh | Mohammad Ali Labbaf Khaniki | Mohammad Manthouri

Date :  2017/12/22
Publish in :    4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation
Link :
Keywords :PID

Abstract :
The synchronous generator excitation control system has a very important role in the control of power grids. Traditional PID controllers are one of the most useful methods in industries. But according to static structure of PID controller, using it in presence of uncertainty leads to performance reduction of it. So in this paper, fuzzy type II system is used for designing coefficients of PID controller. To show the efficiency of the proposed method, the simulation results of three controllers; traditional PID, type I fuzzy PID and type II fuzzy PID in presence of uncertainty are compared. Also, the effect of noise and disturbance have been investigated. The comparison shows the high efficiency of type II fuzzy method because of high flexibility in dealing with uncertainty.