Shahed University

Spin-Polarized Currents Induced by Multichannel Magnetic Point Contacts

V. Fallahi | Akbar Nazari-Golshan

Date :  2019/09/17
Publish in :    Spin

Keywords :

Abstract :
We consider theoretically the spin blockade e®ect on the spin polarization of a current passing through a geometrically con¯ned head-to-head 180 domain wall at a magnetic point contact in a two-dimensional (2D) metallic nanowire. The analysis is based on coherent scattering of the carriers by spin-dependent potential associated with the wall structure. The transmission properties of coherent states are obtained by introducing an algorithm to solve the coupled spin channels Schr€odinger equation with mixed Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions applied far from the domain wall. It has been shown that a domain wall separating two media of opposite magnetization direction can act as a spin ¯lter, allowing controllable modi¯cation of the spin polarization via the wall width.