Shahed University

Revising life expectancy index to explain its consistency to other vital indices in Iran

Mahmood Kazemian | Esmat Tajbakhsh

Date :  2016/08/23
Publish in :    Journal of Research & Health

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Keywords :Health Status Index, Human Development, Life Expectancy, Iran

Abstract :
In reports on human development, life expectancy at birth together with gross domestic product and literacy rates are taken into account for comparison and ranking of countries in terms of development. Calculation of life expectancy index independently from other vital indices is not compatible with these indices in health planning and policies. This study aim to revise life expectancy index using a statistical regression model between life expectancy in various provinces in 2006 and vital indices of natural population growth rate, crude birth and death rates, total fertility rate, and under 5 mortality rate in these provinces in 2009, which will indicate the effects of these indices on life expectancy in Iran. Revised life expectancy index at birth in 2009 shows the influence of vital indices on this index and the tangible changes in ranking of provinces compared to 2006. These changes are the result of policies to improve vital indices in provinces with improved ranking by affecting life expectancy. Life expectancy index is obtained based on life table and almost independent from vital indices. Vital indices are typically used in health policy and planning targets. In this study, effect of vital indices on life expectancy index is shown for the first time using revised life expectancy index by explanation of a statistical-regression correlation model between life expectancy and vital indices.

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