Shahed University

Criminalizing Female Genital Mutilation in Some Islamic Countries Including Iran

Seyed Reza Ehsanpour | Seyedeh Fateme Ehsanpour

Date :  2019/10/11
Publish in :    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding

Keywords :Genital Mutilation; Punishment; International Documents; Custom; Crime; Criminalizing; Islamic Countries.

Abstract :
in some Islamic countries including Iran there is not specific rule or provision criminalizes Female Genital Mutilation. Here the authorities can prosecute the offender under general criminal law. Because Female Genital Mutilation is a kind of inflicting bodily harm, the prosecutor may make a trial based on Assault. And if it results in victim death the judge may convict the performer to Homicide or man slaughter. On the other hand, in some countries like Kenya the legislator passed detailed and comprehensive provision on Female Genital Mutilation.

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