Shahed University

Pharmacological and biochemical properties of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Sm. and its therapeutic efficacy on osteoarthritis of knee

Mohammadreza Vaezmahdavi | Shamsa Shariatpanahi | Farhad Jafari | Hassan Kiani Ahmadabad | Tooba Ghazanfari | Mohammad Kamalinejad

Date :  2019/12/31
Publish in :    Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care

Link :;year=2019;volume=8;issue=12;spage=3798;epage=3807;aulast=Ahmadabadi
Keywords :Anti?inflammatory remedy, ginger, herbal medicine, osteoarthritis (OA), Zingiber zerumbet

Abstract :
Osteoarthritis (OA) as the most frequent form of knee arthritis is one of the most annoying complications amongst old peoples.There are different pharmacological and non‑pharmacological remedies which could be applied for treatment of knee OA. It’s while,significant side effects mostly in patients who are older are the dangerous limiting factors. Integrative, supplementary, traditional remedies have been applied from long time ago in treatment of such chronic diseases like OA. Various topical and oral remedies havebeen presented in treatment of OA worldwide. In spite of the fact there are multiple remedies for reduction symptoms of patientswho suffer from disorders and related inabilities which could enhance their life quality. Remedies which have been applied for a long time for treatment of OA have newly discovered to induce injury to some patients. On the other side, additional knowledge aboutalternative and supplementary remedies is a main way for enhancing health of patients who suffer from OA disorders. Zingiberzerumbet (Z. zerumbeton) is a kind of herb of the ginger family and is a natural compound with various biomedical characteristics likeanti‑proliferative, anti‑inflammatory, and antioxidant effect. However, Z. zerumbet could be applied for reduction of OA symptoms because of its circulatory stimulant and anti‑inflammatory effects. Anyway, up to now there is not any methodical literature review for evaluating the Z. zerumbet clinical effectiveness productiveness in treatment of OA. The main aim of the current study is to review scientific resources around therapeutic effectiveness of Zingiber zerumbet in treatment of adverse symptoms of OA disorder