Shahed University

The effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of fumaria officinalis leaf on pain and seizure by pentylentetrazole-induced mice

Fatemeh Taleahmad | Fatemeh Nabi | Mahdi Alizadeh | Fariba Ansari | Zahra Kiasalari Reineh | Mohsen Khalili

Date :  2019/10/30
Publish in :    24 امين کنگره ملي و سومين کنگره بين المللي فيزيولوژي و فارماکولوژي ايران

Keywords :Pain, Seizure, Fumaria officinalis leaf, Mice

Abstract :
Background and Objective: There are many reports for mutual mechanisms for seizure and pain alleviation. Also with respect to the herbal medicine recommendation in new medicine, in this study we used the extract of an important candidate fumaria officinal for relief of pain and seizure in mice. Materials and Methods: In two series of experiments 5 groups i.e control, positive control and three doses of extract (200,600 and 800 mg/kg) were conducted to pain and seizure analysis. For assessment the pain formalin(2.5,50μl) was injected to hind paw, and the licking duration and frequency were measured for a period of 45 min. However, we used PTZ(100 mg/kg) for induction of the seizure.The initiation time (s) for myoclonus, clonus and the tonus were considered for seizure command. Result: Our results indicated that the extract in three doses (200,600 and 800 mg/kg) can reduced the formalin acute and chronic pain. Also the start time for seizure behaviors i.e myoclonus, clonus and seizures could elevated markedly in lower doses of the extract (200 and 600 mg/kg) Conclusion: In addition,treatment of the mice with hydro-alcoholic extract of fumaria officinalis leaf could significantly reduce the pain and increase the initiation time of the seizure.

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