Shahed University

The Literary Miracle of the Holy Quran

Soraya Ghotbi

Date :  2020/06/01
Publish in :    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
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Keywords :Literary Miracle; The Holy Quran; Letters; Paragoge

Abstract :
The literary miracle of the Quran is one of its most important features whichhas been the preoccupation of many literary figures and eloquent scholars since long time ago up to the present to be able to portray a feature of the Quran and express some of its hidden secrets and beauties. The proper selection of the words by God is such that each of the words is on its suitable place whose replacement and change is impossible. Furthermore, it is never possible to consider a word of the Quran similar with another word exactly the same and synonym or consider a letter of the Quran letters as something extra. Now, the question is “what does the topic of the so called, “paragoge” in the literary and accentuation topics of the Quran in particular in the domain of Me’anialphabetical letters mean? Is it possible to consider the presence or the lack of presence of some letters in the Quran as something the same? Does believing in such a belief in opposition with the literary miracle of the Quran? The significance of this topic becomes clearer when such letters have been employed by a WiseInformer, the one who does each action with a specific goal and end. On the other hand, the presence of paragoge letters in a book with the highest rank of eloquence and the lasting miracle of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) is something far from mind. The present research has been conducted to respond to this question. The research methodology is descriptive-analytic one. The result is that the application of the paragoge in the dictionaries, grammar, eloquence and exegesis books in most cases has a close link with the meaning such as negation, punishment, emphasize and so on. This indicates that the letters which have been mentioned as paragoge convey meanings.