Shahed University

Micronucleus Assay: Pitfalls and Challenges

Noushin Jalayer Naderi

Date :  2020/07/15
Publish in :    Journal of Cytology

Keywords : Genotoxic,Micronucleus Assay Repair Index ,Cytotoxic

Abstract :
Genetic damage due to a genotoxic agent can produces acentric chromatid which is called micronucleus. Micronuclei are formed from aneugenic and clastogenic processes. In the 1980s, micronucleus test was introduced as a simple bio‑monitoring method to assess the increased risk of cancer and cancer intervention. Micronucleus test is now accepted as a simple, non‑invasive and inexpensive method to evaluate the effect of genotoxic and carcinogenic factors. Although the micronuclei test of human buccal mucosa cells seems simple and useful, there are a few points to be considered in the evaluation and enumeration of these bodies. Ignoring these facts can lead to erroneous results.