Shahed University

Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. Data from IFSO-European Chapter Center of Excellence Program

Alireza Khlaj | John Melissas | Konstantinos Stavroulakis | Vassilis Tzikoulis | Angeliki Peristeri | John A Papadakis | Abdolreza Pazouki | Ali Kabir

Date :  2016/10/20
Publish in :    Obesity Surgery: The Journal of Metabolic Surgery and Allied Care
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Keywords :.Bariatricsurgery .Sleeve gastrectomy .Roux-en-Ygastricbypass .Centerof Excellence

Abstract :
Background The purpose of this study is to compare sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) performed in Institutions participating in IFSO-European Chapter, Center of Excellence (COE) program. Methods Since the initiation of the program in January 2010, 6413 SGs and 10,622 RYGBPs performed as primary procedures by December 31, 2014, with at least 12-month followup, were retrospectively compared. Results There were steadily increasing numbers of patients underwent SG from 2010 to 2015. Early (30 days) postoperative complication rate of 3.02 for RYGBP was significantly higher than 2.12 seen after SG (p = 0.0006). Only two patients, one in each group, died in the first 30 postoperative days (0.016 mortality for SG vs 0.009 for RYGBP–NS). From SG group, 103 patients, 1.61 , and 206 patients, 1.94 , from RYGBP group required readmission following hospital discharge in the first 30 days following bariatric surgery–NS. From the readmitted patients in the SG group, 75.72 were reoperated vs 50.50 in the RYGBP group (p 0.0001). SG patients were heavier (BMI 44.93 vs 43.96 kg/m2, p 0.0001). However, significantly better excess weight loss were seen following RYGBP in all postoperative years (60.36 vs 67.72 , p = 0.002 at fifth year). Better remission rates were seen for diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, and sleep apnea syndrome after RYGBP in the first postoperative year. Conclusions Both procedures were performed with very low complications, mortality, readmissions, and reoperations rate. Better weight loss was observed following RYGBP, the first five postoperative years.

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