Shahed University

The Intellectual-Political Process of the Mongols? Socialization in Islamic Civilization

Mahdi Naderi | Shohreh Pirani

Date :  2019/12/22
Publish in :    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding

Link :
Keywords :Islamic Civilization; Mongols; Ilkhanate Government; Ethics; Politics

Abstract :
The Mongols′ attack to the territory of Islamic civilization in the 13th century is examined from two perspectives: militarily aspect and civilization aspect; from the military aspect, the militant and violent Mongols occupied the lands of Islamic civilization and as a result the Abbasid Caliphate fell after 5 centuries. But from civilization aspect, the Mongols were overcome by the transcendent values and norms of Islamic-Iranian culture and, by converting to Islam, they tried to strengthen and promote this transcendent culture. The process of Mongols′ socialization in Islamic civilization depends on various conditions and factors. However, transcendent thinking and political expertise have played a significant role in their socialization, indicating that these two elements can turn violent and militant human beings and societies into civilized and peaceful human beings and societies. The commitment of the intellectual elites and Iranian advisers of the Mongols to the promotion of moral virtues in the public sphere and to the advancement of moral policy in the management and advancement of political affairs has been one of the most important factors in the socialization of the Mongols in Islamic civilization.