Shahed University

relationship between intensity of anger its expression in competitive athletes:mediating role of emotion dysregulation

Rasoul Roshan | Saeed Pourabdol         | Nasser Sobhi Gharamaleki         | mohammad gholami feshareki | Hamid Yaghubi

Date :  2020/08/01
Publish in :    Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psycho Physiology

Keywords :behavior scape,cognetive aviodance , emotion dysreulation

Abstract :
Although anger and its clinical behavioral effects often lead to significant intra- and interpersonal outcomes, there is currently no criterion for the diagnosis of anger disorders . In the context of the classification of psychiatric illnesses, anger is merely one of the traits involved in various mental disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, impulse control disorders, and borderline personality disorder . Due to the lack of diagnostic criteria to date, there has been no epidemiological study conducted on anger management . There have been some studies on the anger and aggressive behaviors of soccer , basketball , rugby , ice hockey , and baseball players. Several studies conducted to compare the levels of aggressive behaviors between athletes and nonathletes have shown that athletes have a higher level of aggressive behaviors than non-athletes . Based on the evidence, it has also been demonstrated that anger and aggression increase an individualʼs level of arousal and direct the attention to an inappropriate and ineffective outcome, such as hurting an opponent . Based on recent developments in experimental psychopathology and emotional sciences, especially with regard to emotion regulation processes, Gardner and Moore have proposed a theoretical model for the perception of the relationship between anger and aggressive/violent behavior. This model is called the Anger Avoidance Model. The model suggests that specific psychological vulnerability