Shahed University

Effect of lipopolysaccharide on MMP-2 activity in THP1 monocytic cells in vitro

Fatemeh Hajighasemi

Date :  2020/08/17
Publish in :    21st international congress of microbiology

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Keywords :Lypopolysaccharid, MMP-2, monocytes

Abstract :
Background and Aim : Lypopolysaccharid (LPS) is an endotoxin and major component of outer membrane of gram negative bacteria. Moreover LPS has an important role in inflammation. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a large group of enzymes that break down the extracellular matrix result in tissue remodeling and have a main role in inflammation. In this study the effect of LPS on MMP-2 activity in a monocytic cell line has been assessed in vitro. Methods : Human THP1 monocytic cells were cultured in complete RPMI medium. Then the cells at the exponential growth phase were incubated with different concentrations of LPS for 24 hours. After that the MMP-2 activity in the cell culture supernatants was evaluated by gelatin zymography. Results : LPS significantly increased the MMP-2 activity in the THP1 monocytic cells dose-dependently compared with untreated control cells in vitro. Conclusion : The results of this study show that LPS up-regulates the MMP-2 activity in monocytic cells. Therefore it seems that LPS is a potent inducer/enhancer of MMP-2 activity in monocytic cells. So LPS effect on inflammation may be in part due to its stimulatory effects on MMPs.

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