Shahed University

La prévisibilité de l’intensité de la douleur et de la détresse psychologique par suggestibilité et attitude face aux menstruations chez les étudiantes

Lella Heydarinasab | Hamid Yaghubi | Hojjatollah Farahani | Leila Heydaribasab | Nader Abazari

Date :  2021/08/28
Publish in :    Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique
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Keywords :Premenstrual symptoms, Psychological distress, Pain intensity, Indoctrination, Attitude toward menstruation, Personality, Self-regulation skills

Abstract :
Objective. – This investigation has aimed to assess Predictability of pain intensity and psychological distress by suggestibility and attitude to menstruation among Iranian population of women. Methods. – This cross-sectional study was performed on 130 female students between 20 to 35 years old. Significant level was set at 0, 05. The analysis method was standard regression. Results. – 130 female students of Shahed university of Tehran participated in investigation and their data was analyzed. Pearson correlation between total score of attitudes to menstruation and subscales of DASS-42 stress, anxiety and depression was respectively (0, 77), (0, 75) and (0, 77). After that, correlation between pain intensity and total score of attitudes to menstruation was (0.732). Moreover, results depression was respectively (0, 73), (0, 73) and (0, 87). Finally, data analysis demonstrated that correlation between suggestibility score with pain intensity was (0, 73). About all of indexes, Sig = 0, 05. Conclusion. – Results showed that attitude to menstruation and suggestibility can predict significantly all three subscales of psychological distress (depression, anxiety and stress), so do data analysis demonstrated that more negative attitude to menstruation can predict significantly pain intensity of menstruation among females(Sig = 0,05).showed correlation between suggestibility score with subscales of DASS-42 stress, anxiety and

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