Shahed University

Solvable potentials in pseudo-hermetic Dirac equation with PT symmetry

Zahra Bakhshi | Fereshte Soliemani

Date :  2021/08/27
Publish in :    Physica Scripta
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Keywords :pseudo-Hermetic; PT symmetry; complex potentials; solvable potentials; Dirac equation; position-dependent effective mass

Abstract :
This paper presents a general method to solve non-hermeticity potentials with PT (Parity-Time) symmetry using two first-order operators against η-weak-pseudo-hermiticity having position-dependent effective mass. It futher suggests a way to apply this method to Dirac equation with spinor wave functions and non-hermetic potentials with real energy spectrum considering position-dependent effective mass. To show the utilities this method was apply to some superpotentials such as Eckart, Scarf-II, Rosen-Mörse-II and Pöchl-Teller. Finally, it was shown that the real potentials can be converted to complex potentials with eigenvalues of a class of η-pseudo-hermeticity.