Shahed University

Down regulation of PMA-induced gelatinase-B production by metoprolol in human leukemic U937 monocytes in vitro

Fatemeh Hajighasemi | Baran Hajat Beigi

Date :  2021/06/30
Publish in :    World Immune Regulation Meeting XV 2021

Link :  http://WIRM
Keywords :Metoprolol, U937, Gelatinase- B

Abstract :
Background: Metoprolol, as a β-Blocker with anti-inflammatory properties, has been extensively used for treatment of some cardiovascular diseases such as angina, hypertension and myocardial infraction. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a large group of enzymes damage the extracellular matrix, are involved in many inflammatory diseases. Gelatinase- B (MMP-9) plays a critical role in inflammation. In this study effect of metoprolol on Gelatinase- B production in leukemic U937 cells has been evaluated in vitro. Materials and Methods: Human U937 leukemic cells were cultured in complete RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10 FBS. Next the cells at exponential growth phase were stimulated with optimal dose of PMA and treated with different concentrations of metoprolol (1-1000 μg/ml) for 24 hours. Afterward level of gelatinase- B in culture supernatant were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Metoprolol significantly decreased the PMA- stimulated gelatinase- B production in U937 cells dose-dependently compared with untreated control cells. Conclusion: According to our data metoprolol could be a promising gelatinase- B down regulator. So anti-inflammatory effect of metoprolol, reported by other investigators, might be partly due to its suppressive effects on gelatinase- B excretion. Consequently metoprolol may be beneficial as an innovative therapeutic applicant for inflammatory diseases in which gelatinase- B is over-expressed.


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