Shahed University


Rasul Mohammadjafari | hosein mohammdi | Ali Hassannia

Date :  2021/12/18
Publish in :    مجلة کلية الاسلامية الجامعة

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Keywords : S?rahs Muawizatayn, Dating, Meccan and Medinan Verses, Traditions of the Cause of Revelation, Exegetical Traditions, Qur’anic Evidences.

Abstract :
The verses and the sūrahs of the Quran were gradually revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during 23 years in Mecca and Medina. Information of the time, place, and amount of descendants and verses - especially in cases of conflict - are of the requirements of the Qur’anic researches. Sūrahs Falaq and Nās (Muawizatayn) are among the disputed sūrahs. Applying the descriptive-analytical method, this article aims to answer these questions: 1- How is the dating Muawizatayn according to Meccan and Medinan traditions? 2- How is dating Muawizatayn according to traditions of the cause of revelation? 3- How is dating Muawizatayn according to exegetical and Qur’anic evidences? Findings show that Meccan and Medinan traditions are weak because of their irsāl, and so they are not valid. The traditions of the cause of revelation are criticized in sanad and text, although some exegetes believe in their Meccan and some believe in their Medinan. Qur’anic evidences include: 1- shortness on sūrahs and their verse, 2. The repetition of the distances 3. The doctrinal and epistemological content 4. The mention of some bad habits of the pre-Islamic period. These reasons correspond to the atmosphere of the Prophets presence in Mecca. In conclusion, it seems that the sūrahs of Muawizatayn were revealed almost at the same time as the public invitation of the Prophet (PBUH) in the third year of the Mission.

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