Shahed University

Morphological, Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Soil Properties that Formed on Phyllite Rocks in Baneh Township

Hossein Torabi Golsefidi | Ali Mahmoodi

Date :  2021/10/20
Publish in :    هفدهمين کنگره علوم خاک ايران و چهارمين همايش ملي مديريت اب در مزرعه

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Keywords :Soil development, Soil profile, Free and amorphous iron, Clay Mineralogy

Abstract :
The aims of this study was to investigate the morphological, physicochemical and clay mineralogical properties of soils formed on phyllite rock in Baneh Township. 10 profiles from different landscape and landforms were dug, described, and sampled. Different forms of iron, including free iron (pedogenic) and amorphous were extracted by citrate-bicarbonate dithionite (Fed) and ammonium oxalate (Feo), respectively and their concentration were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Field describing of pedons showed that the landform and landscape have a significant role in the formation or non-formation of the B horizon and thickness of soil solum. The results of soil physical properties showed that the clay content was high in all pedons, which is to be expected given the fine texture of the phyllite rock. The chemical results showed that the electrical conductivity in most of soils were less than 2 dS/m. The relatively high rainfall (650 mm) can leach and remove soluble salts and reduce electrical conductivity. The results of iron fractionation, showed that the (Fed-Feo) in B horizon and some of surface horizons was more than the Cr and R layers in most of profiles, which indicated the high weathering in soil surface horizons and more development in B horizons. The results of clay mineralogy showed that, mica, chlorite, irregular mixed mica-chlorite, mica-vermiculite, quartz, kaolinite and vermiculite were common in the phyllite rocks. The clay minerals in the soils with lower development, which were more similar to their parent material, were same to phyllite. But in the soils with high weathering and more development, smectite and vermiculite were increased compared to the non-developed soils. Due to the absence of smectite in Phyllite rock, the formation of this mineral in soils affected by phyllite can be considered as a pedogenic feature due to the transformation of mica or chlorite.

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