Shahed University

Innovative mitigation method for buried pipelines crossing faults

Majid Moradi | Mahdi Rojhani | Ali Derakhshani

Date :  2022/08/04
Publish in :    Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Link :
Keywords :pipelines, centrifuge modeling, faulting, mitigation, earthquake

Abstract :
A new remediation technique is proposed to mitigate large deformations imposed on buried pipeline systems subject to permanent ground deformation. With this technique, low-density gravel (LDG) with high porosity, such as pumice, is used as backfill in the trench containing the pipe near an area susceptible to PGD. This countermeasure decreases soil resistance, soil-pipe interaction forces and strain on the pipe as the pipeline deformation mechanism changes to a more desirable shape. Expanded polystyrene geofoam has been introduced to decrease the density of the pipeline backfill; however, LDG is more efficient regarding workability during construction, environmental effects, durability, fire safety, and cost-effectiveness. A series of centrifuge model experiments in which the pipelines were subjected to reverse faulting was conducted to evaluate the proposed method. During faulting, the axial and bending strain and pipe deflection were measured. A comparison of the responses of the remediated pipeline and the pipeline without remediation indicates that the proposed technique substantially mitigates the effects of large deformation.