Shahed University

Wideband Wide Scan Phased Array Antenna by Vector Elements

Ali Asghar Amidian | Gholamreza Dadashzadeh | Bahman Rahmati | Yalda Torabi | Mohamad Kargar

Date :  2015/11/13
Publish in :    Electromagnetics

Keywords :Wideband, Antenna, Vector

Abstract :
A wideband wide scan phased array antenna unit cell based on vector antennas operable to radiate different patterns is provided. The proposed unit cell consists of four radiating elements. When one of the elements is radiating in the presence of the other element, a null is generated in a radiation pattern of the first radiating element and also the level of coupling is significantly decreased. With the controlling of the feed network of these elements two different operation modes are defined. Results show that the proposed structure achieves 40% bandwidth and +80° scanning range.