Shahed University

A Probabilistic Approach on the Composition of Cryptographic Systems

Zahra Parsian | Mohammadali Doostari | ali parsian

Date :  2015/05/10
Publish in :    Research Journal of Fisheries and HydroBiology

Keywords :Probabilistic

Abstract :
Transferring the information confidentially has been one of the humankind problems from ancient times to present. For this reason, devising the methods for this purpose is very important and plays a sensitive role in the human communities. Sending cryptic information is one of the methods which can be used for this aim. In this paper, pointed to some available cryptographic systems, the probability of random breaking for each of them is found. Then some new encryption techniques are provided. In the next, by finding the probability of random breaking the cipher texts with recommended methods it is shown that each of them, have been formulated in order to enhance the security of the encryption systems. KEY.WORDS: Arithmetic modular system, Counting probabilistic measure, Diophantine equation, Hill digraph system, Linear transformation system