Shahed University

Chaotic Behavior Analysis in Induction Motors with ScalarDrive Systems

رضا سنگرودی | Jalal Nazarzadeh

Date :  2012/08/01
Publish in :    IET Power Electronics

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Keywords : angular velocity control; Lyapunov methods; numerical analysis; bifurcation; root loci; chaos; machine control; induction motor drives; stability

Abstract :
In this study, bifurcation and chaos phenomena in scalar drives of induction machines are investigated. Modified Poincares map, Lyapunov exponents and bifurcation diagram are utilised for this purpose. The boundary related to bifurcated response and conditions of chaotic response is also acquired for this purpose using Poincares map. In addition, root–locus curve of the system for stability and chaos analysis is derived by changing the controller parameters in constant speed control. In order to prove the chaotic response of the system, the largest Lyapunovs exponent is determined numerically. In addition, an experimental prototype is prepared to show these phenomena. It is shown that chaotic response of the system can be controlled by adjusting the critical values of the speed controllers gain value.