Shahed University

Evaluation of Decorative Motifs in Jewels and Jewelry Design in Safavid

Seyed Nezamodin Emamifar

Date :  2017/03/01
Publish in :    Review of European Studies

Keywords :Evaluation, Safavid

Abstract :
Abstract The art of Safavid is regarded as an extract of the art of all ages. Metalsmithing, goldsmithing and jewelrysmithing are among the main arts of Safavid in which decorative motifs are manifested. 10 samples of the jewelry subject of study in this research are the documentations based on the images of books. The research method is of descriptive-analytical and library study type. The objective of this research is to use traditional motifs in the contemporary graphic. In view that traditional motifs have been disregarded, it is necessary to conduct this research. The question is that what kind of decorative motifs were used in the design of jewels and jewelry in Safavid and that what were the features of the motifs in Safavid. Finally, the motifs of jewels and jewelry and the context in which the motifs were used in Safavid are subject of evaluation in visual and scientific aspects. According to results of the analysis made on the samples, it is concluded that most of the decorative motifs used for the jewelry in Safavid were inspired by nature, Koran texts, names of Imams and geometrical shapes. Geometric motifs with religious connotations were mostly used for the promotion and expansion of Islam. The artists of Safavid managed to convey their message on the basis of form and content of their artworks. Keywords: Decorative Motifs, Jewels, Jewelry and Safavid.