Shahed University

The Typology of the Exegetical Traditions of Surah Yasin

Mansoureh Moradi | Soraya Ghotbi

Date :  2018/01/10
Publish in :    Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods

Keywords :Exegetical, Traditions, Surah

Abstract :
Although exegetical traditions (hadīths) have been regarded through different approaches, their typology in traditional studies is still in the beginning way, through which the contexts of exegetical traditions are studied and various types of such traditions are discovered. Since holding fast both the holy Quran and Prophetic Sunnah is based on understanding these two precious weights, the present article examines the types of exegetical narrations of the Chapter Yāsīn in Shiite and Sunni narrative commentaries, using content-analysis and inductive methods with the unit of subject-analysis of narration. Consequently, the exegetical traditions of the Chapter could be categorized in merits (faḍā’l) of Chapter, causes of revelation (sha’n-i nuzūl), recognizing the examples, and explaining the words..