Shahed University

Accountability in the Prophet’s Narrtions

vajiheh karimi hares abadi | Soraya Ghotbi

Date :  2018/04/02
Publish in :    Global Journal of Political Science and Administration

Link :
Keywords :Accountability, Narrtions

Abstract :
The current study aimed at idendifying and determining the dimentions and components of accountability from the prophet’s (PBUH) viewpoint. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the study population consisted of texts and included the traditions of the prophet (PBUH) narrated in the book of Nahj al-Fasahah and unified content analysis of the narrations. The accountability indicators in the prophet’s narrations comprised 1316 narrative contexts with cognitive and behavioral dimensions which have been proposed regarding the relationship between God and His messengers, oneself, family, society, and nature. The most frquent compoent is mankind’s accounability towards God with 462 narrations indicating the high place of being resposibe before God which is the origion for other responsibilities. Accountability, in terms of cognitive dimensions, leads to raising awareness and enhancing rational skills in individual and social responsibilitis, and in terms of behavior, it creates better skills to carry out one’s resposibilities.