Shahed University

The effect of instability stress and exogenous oxytocin on the number of the natural killer cells in peripheral blood and spleen in male rats

Tooba Ghazanfari | Nayere Askari | Marzieh Eghtedar Doost | Mohammad Vojgani | Mohammadreza Vaezmahdavi | Zahra Omidi

Date :  2018/04/26
Publish in :    چهاردهمين کنگره بين المللي ايمونولوژي و الرژي

Keywords :instability, stress, exogenous, peripheral

Abstract :
Natural killer cells are innate immune lymphocytes that they play a major role in defense against tumors andviral infections. Many factors such as social stress acton the immune system.This type of stress is an important factor in the etiology of psychopathological disorders, including depression and anxiety. Oxytocin is a 9-amino acid hormones synthesize in the central nervous system and some of the peripheral tissue and plays a main role in response to stress, and its injection reduces depression and stress-induced anxiety. The aim of this study was the evaluation of instability stress effect and oxytocin on the number of NK cells in rats exposed to this stress.

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