Shahed University

Investigation of Socio-Economic Foundations of Education

Rasool Molaei | Mohammad H. Mirza Mohammadi | Saied Khoramruei | Atefeh F. Moghadam

Date :  2017/05/11
Publish in :    International Journal of Economic Perspectives

Keywords :Investigation, Socio-Economic

Abstract :
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the sociological foundations of education in principle of grace by taking advantage of the Revelation. To achieve this goal, two descriptive and analytical methods are used. First, in addition to review of Principle of Grace, the concept of sociological foundations of education is investigated. Finally, through taking advantage of revelation, the foundations are analyzed in the principle of grace. The results obtained from this study show that as people are created as a social creature, they need numerous mental and physical factors for collective life, which are provided by the Almighty God doing a grace. However, in field of social education, the organization and educational programs should pay attention to the evolution of the society and social needs in present and future and educate children and youths to meet needs of the society where they live. Finally, it could be found that such education system could be successful that its authorities know the society in all dimensions properly and consider the children and adolescents educating there as people with certain cultural content before entering to school and are being educated to fertilize certain culture