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The Comparative Analysis of the Concepts and Categories of Multi-Cultural Education in Educational System of Iran and Germany
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42755    1395/08/01   2016/10/22    
reclamation right in electronic contra in iran law and thing to
 محمدرضا فلاح
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42689    1395/05/01   2016/07/22    
sall right in iran law electronic contracts about international regulation
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42690    1395/05/20   2016/08/10    
manager performance contorol by derivarive clam
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42691    1395/04/21   2016/07/11    
Meta-Analytic Investigating of the Notion of Terrorism
 محمد اقایی
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42433    1395/06/20   2016/09/10    
A Study on the Cultural Role of Nowruz in the Enhancement of national Identity for Iranian People
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42434    1394/07/06   2015/09/28    
Hegira from Imam Khomeini’s perspective: Introversive migration and political migration: a case study
 غفاری هشجین ،محمد اقایی، محمد رضا فاطمی مهر
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42437    1395/06/30   2016/09/20    
Long Steps of Irans Rights in Further Coordination with Berne Convention and WIPO Treaty about Royalty (copyright)
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 42971    1394/10/11   2016/01/01    
مدلی برای پیوستن ارتش شاهنشاهی به انقلاب اسلامی
A model to explain the backgrounds of joining the imperial Army to Iran’s Islamic Revolution
 عباس کشاورز شکری، محمد رحیمیان، مهدیه رهنما
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 64233    1395/06/11   2016/09/01    
بازنمایی ارای فلسفی لیوتار در سینما (مورد مطالعه: فیلم عشق اثر میشل هانکه)
Representation of Lyotards Philosophical Opinions in Cinema (Case Study: Amour Film by Michael Haneke)
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 116859    1398/04/09   2019/06/30    
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