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نوع مقاله :
مجله یا کنفرانس :      طبقه مقاله:         تاریخ انتشار (شمسی) : الی :

Determining Environmental Policies by closed loop supply chain design based on Bi-level programming approach
Determining Environmental Policies by closed loop supply chain design based on Bi-level programming approach
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 106408    1396/06/20   2017/09/11    
Heuristic Methods Based on MINLP Formulation for Reliable Capacitated Facility Location Problems
 روحانی نژاد، مهدی بشیری، امیر حسین امیری
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 31828    1394/06/10   2015/09/01    
A Robust Desirability-based Approach to Optimizing Multiple Correlated Responses
 مهدی بشیری
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 31507    1393/12/10   2015/03/01    
مساله زمان بندی دو مرحله ای ترکیبی کارگاهی با دسته های سری
A Two-Stage Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Serial Batching
 اسماعیل غفاری، راشد صحرائیان
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 9175    1393/01/05   2014/03/25    
Multi Responses Optimization Through Game Theory Approach
 حمیدرضا نویدی قاضیانی، امیری - کامران راد
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 9399    1393/06/19   2014/09/10    
Estimating the Change Point of Binary Profiles With a Linear Trend Disturbance
 امیر حسین امیری
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 7865    1392/03/11   2013/06/01    
Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm in Optimization of Nonlinear Multiple Responses
 مسعود باقری لاله ، مهدی بشیری
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 8247    1392/06/10   2013/09/01    
Reconfiguration of Supply Chain: A Two Stage Stochastic Programming
 حمیدرضا رضایی، مهدی بشیری
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  PDF Paper ID : 8248    1391/12/11   2013/03/01    
Complex Integrated Supply Chain Planning with multiple modes supply, Production and Distribution by ELECTRE method
 مهدی بشیری، مهدی کرباسیان و مهدی صفایی
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
Endnote  XML  Paper ID : 5209    1390/06/10   2011/09/01    
 محمدهادی اصلی نژاد، سیدمحمد صادق زاده، جواد علمایی
International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering
Endnote  XML  Paper ID : 5227    1389/03/10   2010/05/31    
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