Shahed University

Conforming Educational Science Headlines in Bachelors Degree with Upstream Documents (Iran’s 20-Year Vision Plan, Comprehensive Scientific Plan of the Country, Islamic University Document)

Haniyeh Moradi | Soolmaz Nourabadi

Date :  2020/05/19
Publish in :    Talent Development and Excellence

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Keywords :Conforming, Educational Science Headlines, Academic System, Upstream Documents, Specialized Lessons.

Abstract :
The present study conforming educational science headlines in bachelors degree with upstream documents (2025 perspective document, comprehensive scientific plan of the country, Islamic university document). In this study, the content analysis method was used to analyze the Islamic University document, 2025 perspective document and scientific plan of the country. They were then compared with the headlines of the specialized lessons of bachelors degree in educational science and the matching codes were extracted between each of the documents separately by the headlines. The results showed that the highest level of adaptation between vision and headlines of specialized lessons in educational science is related to the field of culture, science, and technology with 15 codes and no adaptation was found between the outlook on political affairs and foreign relations with headlines. Also, the highest rate of adaptation between the perspective document and headlines of educational science was related to the educational entrepreneurship headlines with 7 code and the lowest adaptation was related to the 1-code accounting principles headlines. After reviewing the comprehensive scientific plan of the country, according to the results, the highest rate of adaptation between the two documents was related to Chapter Two: Optimal Status of Science and Technology with 27 codes and the lowest rate of adaptation between the two documents was related to Chapter Three: Science Priorities and Technology of Country with 5 codes. It was also shown that the highest rate of adaptation between comprehensive scientific plan of the country and the specialized headlines of bachelors degree in educational science was related to educational entrepreneurship with 20 codes and the lowest adaptation is related to an internship with 2 codes. After evaluating the Islamic university document according to the obtained results, the highest rate of adaptation between two documents was related to Chapter 6: Educational system with Adaptation of 25 codes and the least amount of adaptation between two documents was related to Chapter 2: Principles with 1 Code. Other findings indicate that the highest rate of adaptation between the Islamic University document and the specialized lessons of bachelors degree in educational science is related to the headlines of high school curriculum planning lesson with 13 codes and the lowest adaptation is related to the headline of Islamic management principles with 3 codes.

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