Shahed University

Capacity of channel with energy harvesting transmitter

Hamid Ghanizade Bafghi | Babak Seyfe | Mohammad Reza Aref | Mahtab Mirmohseni

Date :  2015/03/10
Publish in :    IET Communication
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Keywords :Capacity, energy, harvesting, transmitter

Abstract :
The authors propose a new technique to model the arriving energy’s knowledge (AEK) in the energy harvesting (EH) communication systems. They consider a batteryless EH transmitter with the AEK non-causally provided to it. They show that the capacity of the authors’ model in general case, that is, discrete memoryless channel, can be derived through a binning scheme. This resembles a Gelfand–Pinsker type capacity formula which intuitively is the result of treating the energy as a channel state. Moreover, they investigate two especial cases of binary and Gaussian channels with the EH transmitters. In the binary symmetric channel with EH transmitter (BSCEH), their coding scheme leads to achieve the capacity of the classic binary symmetric channel (BSC). In the batteryless Gaussian channel with EH transmitter, the upper bound on the capacity is derived, and it is shown this bound is less than the capacity of the EH Gaussian channel with infinite battery

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